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Bringing Out the Best Version of Yourself, Even During These Tough Times

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We are living in extraordinary times. From worrying over the latest news alerts and social distancing rules to even panicking over toilet paper, the pandemic has greatly affected the way we live. What's more is that today's current events have taken a serious toll on our mental health, as there has been a surge in emotional distress emergency hotlines and online therapy sessions.

How Are You Really?

But this finding only portrays a small image of the pain that many of us are currently feeling. Before we all had to face the health crisis, we had big plans for the year — whether it was going after a promotion, opening a business, or traveling to a dream destination. However, for the benefit of our health and safety, we all had to put those plans on hold. And subsequently, we had to deal with the cloud of uncertainty that's looming over us.

So, this leads us to ask an important question, "How are you really doing?" Have you been watching more hours on Netflix than usual? Or, have you been treating yourself to a cookie or two? There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving yourself a break from all the chaos we're confronted with. But at the end of the day, you still owe it to yourself to try and become the best version of yourself.

Thriving Amidst These Tough Times

Now, you might be wondering if this is really the best time to start working on yourself. From the countless health scares to the imploding job market, the sheer magnitude of living during a pandemic is quite overwhelming, to say the least. While you have every right to feel every emotion inside you, remember that our struggles make us stronger when we allow them to.

More often than not, tough times often appear as a cue to press pause on life. In truth, however, it's all about perspective. Think about it this way — though you cannot control what's happening in the world, you can control the way you respond to them. You must make a choice for yourself: Are you going to let yourself go and give up? Or are you going to get up and make a conscious effort to succeed?

When we decide to face our fears, we allow our personal growth to flourish. But of course, this is easier said than done, as many of us are more stressed than ever before. Thankfully, anything is possible when you believe in yourself. And as we've previously shared here on the blog, the first step to self-belief is conquering your own world.

Stress is one of life's biggest mental hurdles. And if you want to jump over it, you must learn to understand how you manifest stress. Resilience coach L. Barbour explains that stress can be experienced in three main ways: fight, flight, and freeze. A "fight" response involves criticizing or blaming yourself. Meanwhile, a "flight" response means withdrawing or isolating yourself. Finally, a "freeze" response entails not being able to do anything except dwell on worrying thoughts. Identifying how you react to stress will not just help you learn how to better cope with any negative thoughts or feelings, but it will also help you build resilience — your ability to recover from any challenge in life.

Fostering resilience in your character is key for thriving during the toughest of times. It helps you remain strong amidst the many changes you're bound to face. Instead of simply giving up, resilience drives you to find solutions to your problems. Additionally, being resilient helps bring out the best in you by making you step out of your comfort zone. This is because it invites you to see life in new, value-adding perspectives. And ultimately, being resilient reminds you that you do indeed deserve to live out the best version of yourself.

Cultivating the Best Version of Yourself

Although things may seem bleak at the moment, you can (and should!) foster your growth. Remember: Persevering through today's struggles will lead to tomorrow's success. That said, here are some key ways to help cultivate the best version of yourself.

Bullet Journaling

As we said, it's not hard to get carried away with the state of the world. Thankfully, having a bullet journal will help you keep track of your schedule and ultimately, your progress. From creating task lists to writing diary entries, bullet journaling is a powerful way to promote your peace of mind.

Mindfulness Meditation

Did you know those breathing problems are one of the main physical symptoms of stress? To help you think clearer and feel lighter, you should consider learning mindfulness meditation. As a mental training practice, it helps you put things into perspective while lowering your stress levels. What's more, is that this technique can be practiced at any time and anywhere.

Positive Self-Talk

Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy. This happens when your thoughts belittle your capabilities, body image, and even your dreams. To this end, you must start practicing positive self-talk, which essentially means framing your inner dialogue to believe in yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

Written by Irish Carls for